We at Enact support our clients in building knowledge and driving change. For us, training and workshops are more than a tick on a to-do list. Our concept is simple; there is just not one size that fits all. With a robust register of tools and methodology, we tailor our activities to fit the specific needs in each situation. Our trainers are subject matter experts with hands-on experience. Our facilitators are experienced guides of change. Together we provide challenging, creative and interactive public training and seminars, in-house education, multi-language e-learnings, complex management programmes, workshop facilitation and networks. We deliver results. This is what we call Enact Labs!
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The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a global standard for sustainability reporting. GRI Standards describe how the reporting process should be rolled out, how to decide the content of the report and how the content should be presented. Enact is a Certified GRI Trainer for Sweden and Denmark and offers quality-assured trainings that will help you be successful in GRI reporting. In our certified two-day training we cover all the basics of sustainability reporting according to GRI Standards. The training offers a mixture of lectures, discussions and interactive exercises that will help you to develop your organisation’s sustainability work.
Enact is training foundation partner to the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and offers IIRC approved trainings in the Nordic countries, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, South Africa, India and China. The IIRC released its ‘International Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework’ (<IR> Framework) in 2013. The <IR> Framework seeks to explain the fundamental concepts, principles and content requirements underlying an ‘integrated report’, which is considered the next step in the evolution of corporate reporting. All our trainers are subject matter experts in Integrated Reporting with hands-on experience. We deliver challenging, creative, and interactive training, that focus on concrete results. Our focus is on enabling businesses to tell their value creation story, whilst building trust and strengthening relations with stakeholders. We see Integrated Reporting as a means to strengthen fundamental internal processes such as performance monitoring, risk management and strategy alignment. In the current changing context and to promote the changes needed towards a sustainable model, business executives have to be able to think and manage differently than they have done so far. This new way of thinking is called by many “integrated thinking”. This includes a clear understanding of the company’s business model and the value created or destroyed around it, the financial and extra-financial impacts and risks involved and the aspects to be managed and reported in order to express this understanding
Inspirerande och upplysande lunchseminarier för hela kontoret Samla era medarbetare till en inspirerande lunchföreläsning på temat ”Myndighetens Hållbarhets-ABC” och få med hela gänget på samma gång! Enact arrangerar kortare seminarier för att vägleda och inspirera aktörer inom den offentliga sektorn att arbeta konkret och målstyrt med hållbarhetsfrågor. Idag behöver i stort sett alla offentliga aktörer förhålla sig till en rad hållbarhetsfrågor, både vad gäller det interna arbetet kopplat till organisationen och till det uppdrag man har. Seminarierna fokuserar på hur myndigheter arbetar med mål, processer och rapportering kopplat till Agenda 2030 och andra globala ramverk. Hur gör man i praktiken och hur kan man använda sig av hållbarhetsarbetet på ett konstruktivt sätt? Enact har under många år haft ett nära samarbete med myndigheter och bistått dem i uppdrag utförda både i Sverige och utomlands. Uppdragens fokus ligger bland annat på utbildning och kvalificerad rådgivning inom allt från hållbarhetsredovisning, hållbara leverantörsled, intressentdialog och väsentlighetsanalys, till antikorruption och mänskliga rättigheter. Enact är också förstahandsval i Regeringskansliets ramavtal för tjänster rörande strategiska, ekonomiska och finansiella konsultuppdrag avseende hållbart företagande i statligt ägda bolag.
To sharpen the learning experience and create room for knowledge sharing in an inspiring interactive way, Enact is offering a series of trainings designed for smaller groups with a restricted number of participants (maximum 10 in each training session). With a variety of subjects, the Enact Master Class is especially suitable to cater to sector specific needs with time for in-depth discussions and experience sharing tied to certain topics and industries. Various subjects can be covered such as for example how to integrate Agenda 2030 and the Global Goals into your strategies and reports, as well as how to conduct a Human Rights Impact Assessment.
Do you need to increase the level of knowledge and awareness among top managers? Or do you need to inspire and engage young, high-potential leaders? A special programme for managers is an efficient way to get new perspectives, generate new ideas and develop management tools and methods. We use a reliable method to design and implement executive management programmes in sustainable business and responsible leadership for our clients. They are designed to explain and simplify the advanced concepts, practical tools and primary skills required of a leader in today’s global business environment. In the planning and execution of the programmes we put a lot of effort into matching the content with the participants. We work closely with our clients in order to tailor the programme to fit the challenges and needs of the company and the participants, as well as highlighting opportunities and solutions. Our programmes aim to inform, create awareness, provide methods and tools, but also to enable action among the participants. Since 2009, Enact has supported the Swedish Institute with an internal multi-module management programme for business leaders from India and China and in recent years also from Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Zambia. In 2015 Enact also started supporting the Swedish Institute with its management programme for Asia: India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and China. The theme of the programme is responsible business and sustainable leadership.
Our trainings in business and human rights focus on practical implementation and risk management in the supply and customer chain and include some of the following elements:
- Human rights guidelines and frameworks (particularly the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, but also ISO 26000 and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises)
- Risk management and prioritisation
- Integrating human rights in the supply and demand chain
- The four stages of human rights due diligence –- understand, act, measure and communicate impact.
- Practical experience of implementing UN principles
- Interactive case-exercises
The training teaches participants the basics about international frameworks and standards and helps them understand how leading companies are working to make social and environmental responsibility an integral and profitable part of the business. Participants gain background knowledge on the concept of sustainability, clear definitions and an overview of frameworks and guidelines related to sustainability, such as ISO 26000, the Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative. The training targets people working in the public, private or non-profit sector who want to learn more about how organisations and businesses can and should integrate responsibility and sustainability into their operations.
Are you organising a seminar, panel discussion, workshop or congress? A professional moderator provides a neutral platform for discussion while at the same time enhancing the standing of your event. Our moderators have in-depth knowledge in sustainability and responsible leadership and are experts in translating technical content to understandable language. They know how to get the audience involved through interactive exercises, both in-person and online, and how to connect the dots in the discussion. We take pride in understanding your topic in-depth as well as making sure we understand and know the speakers, guests and their backgrounds. If you want, our moderators will even help and guide your speakers with professional presentation and speech advice prior to and during the event so that they feel as comfortable as possible. We are well-versed in digital facilitation and have in-depth knowledge on how to engage participants in the digital sphere.
Are you looking for an inspiring lecturer who can talk engagingly on the link between being responsible and business success? Or are you looking for somebody with in-depth knowledge of specific topics such as sustainability reporting, business and human rights, environmental protection or diversity? Our experienced lecturers are subject matter experts with practical experience from working with sustainable and responsible business. We combine rigorously updated lecture material built on real examples and relevant cases with highly interactive sessions and discussions. Over the years we have held lectures on nearly all continents for all sectors of society. We have run seminars with people from all industries (e.g. finance, extraction, forestry, retail, ICT, life-sciences, manufacturing, automotive etc.), and for government officials and intergovernmental as well as non-governmental organisations.
Sustainability reporting has increased dramatically in recent years. Many organisations have discovered the benefits of reporting for their business, while legislation and stakeholder expectations are pushing new organizations to follow suite. This is driving an increasing interest in reporting, and we certainly see a need for a network focusing on sustainability reporting. In October 2017, Enact therefore launched the Network for Sustainability Reporting in Stockholm. The purpose of the network is to provide the participants with inspiration, insights and concrete tools in an inspiring and interactive way. The network will be a forum for discussion, learning and reflection when it comes to sustainability reporting. The network is aimed at organizations and companies in all sectors, especially those who want to:
- Stay up to date on the latest reporting trends and developments.
- Build knowledge of sustainability reporting, strategy, materiality analysis, stakeholder dialogue and other aspects linked to reporting.
- Get inspiration and experience from other companies – both those at the forefront of sustainability reporting and those who are new to the field.
- Interact and discuss issues, challenges and new ideas regarding sustainability reporting with colleagues from different industries.
- Build networks with other sustainability reporting professionals.
- Get access to Enact’s experts such as GRI / IR trainers for advice and sparring.
The network currently consists of 20 + companies and organizations from many different sectors and in varying sizes. The network is open to new members throughout the year. The network will meet four to six times per year in Stockholm. If you are interested in being a part of the network, please contact Johanna Gulliksen at johanna.gulliksen@enact.se
We know that sustainability and responsibility can often be difficult both in terms of handling the challenges and grasping the opportunities associated with them. With our broad global network consisting of NGOs, authorities and companies, we are well situated to support in building coalitions, multi-stakeholder initiatives and spaces for dialogue on a range of topics. Our experienced team of lecturers, facilitators and researchers can support in forming initiatives and networks within industries, or on a cross-sectoral basis. Enact has been leading the Swedish Network for Business and Human Rights since 2012. It is a business network focusing on exchanging best practices when it comes to business and human rights, in order to stay abreast of the rapid developments within this field. Members in the network are some of Sweden’s leading companies when it comes to human rights: Alfa Laval, Electrolux, H&M, Ericsson, Scania, Stora Enso, Telia and Vattenfall.
Do you want to organise a meeting to kick-start change internally? Interactive workshops for managers and employees can be an effective tool for creating understanding and engagement. They can also be a way to make specific issues more tangible for people in the organisation and spark fruitful discussions on the organisation’s ambitions and development. Enact Labs’ workshop concept builds on the following parameters:
- Link to the overall business agenda and current priorities
- Lecturers with experience from real-life business
- Tailor-made exercises including physical use of the room and props
- Concrete, tangible results and advice
- Inspiring and challenging facilitation
Our team of experienced facilitators has real-life business experience. Following our training philosophy, we use our solid base of lectures, exercises and tools in developing the workshop format, but always tailor it to meet our client’s demands. We provide interactive workshops on topics such as sustainable business strategy, human rights, supply chain sustainability, risk management, sustainability reporting, business ethics, sustainable leadership, and ecosystem services.
Do you need to disseminate information and engagement to a large number of people inside or outside your organisation? Train-the-trainer packages and e-learning are two effective and efficient possibilities. A train-the-trainer package is developed in close coordination with you to fit the people in your organisation who will use it to teach and engage others. It can contain ready-made presentations, but should almost always also include a substantial portion of exercises and other types of interaction to ensure participants absorb the information and are engaged by it. E-learning is a flexible training method which allows the participants to choose when, where and how to take the training. Enact Labs’ e-learning team is experienced in supporting large multinational companies with developing and implementing e-learning in the area of sustainable and responsible business. We use a well tried method when designing and implementing e-learnings for our clients. Generic material is tailored, in collaboration with our clients, to their exact needs, and can be either integrated into current learning management systems or hosted by us. All of our e-learnings are designed to fit the needs and challenges of the specific company, and can be adjusted for different target groups such as managers, purchasers, suppliers and employees in general. Our e-learning modules are compatible with almost all available Learning Management Systems (LMS). We can also offer hosting of e-learning on external platforms.
Does your organisation need to ramp up knowledge and ability in a specific area? Maybe you are just about to implement a change programme and need to provide information as well as inspiration? Our in-house trainings are tailored to your specific needs. With a robust register of tools and methodology, we tailor our activities to fit your particular requirements. Our trainers are subject matter experts with hands-on experience. Our facilitators are experienced guides of change. Together we provide challenging, creative and interactive trainings that deliver results. Our in-house training concept builds on the following parameters:
- Link to the overall business agenda and current priorities
- Content based on the participants’ actual circumstances
- Tailor-made exercises including physical use of the room and props
- Concrete, tangible results
- Inspiring and challenging facilitation
- Contact with participants before and after training to increase level of engagement