Forced Labour Regulation – How to comply with the EU’s new law against Forced Labour

Stockholm - 1 day




March 27
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM




SEK 10 900 excl. VAT

About this event

With the new EU law, Forced Labour Regulation (FLR), it will be prohibited for companies to sell, import, or export goods produced through forced labour. This course provides a deep dive into what FLR entails and how it connects to other corporate responsibility regulations like the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. You will learn proactive methods to identify and address risks related to forced labour, understand when to terminate partnerships, and be informed about the consequences of non-compliance with FLR.

The EU Forced Labour Regulation (FLR) was passed in the summer of 2024 and is expected to come into effect at the end of 2027. It will impact all companies, regardless of size or sector, and cover all types of products, including those sold online. This course aims to equip you with the tools to comply with FLR and work effectively to combat forced labour within your value chain.

The course covers:

  • The requirements of the Forced Labour Regulation (FLR)
  • Who is covered by the regulation
  • The link between FLR and other human rights and corporate responsibility regulations, such as the CSDDD and the CSRD
  • Definitions of forced labour
  • How to identify indicators of forced labour
  • Consequences if a product is found to be made with forced labour
  • When and how to terminate partnerships responsibly
  • Examples of high-risk products and regions
  • The powers of Member States and the EU Commission to initiate investigations into forced labour

The course is directed at:

Anyone needing to understand the Forced Labour Regulation and the new requirements the regulation imposes on companies in their work against forced labour, such as decision-makers and specialists in sustainability, HR, compliance, legal professionals, and those responsible for supply chains.

The goal of this course:

As a participant, you will gain:

  • A solid understanding of FLR and its requirements
  • Insight into how FLR connects with other frameworks for due diligence, human rights, and corporate responsibility
  • Knowledge of how to manage risks, identify signs of forced labour, and act when forced labour is detected

The course will mainly be conducted in Swedish.



09.00 Welcome and introduction of the course and participants

  • Introduction to the course content
  • Participant introductions and expectations for the day

09.15 Overview of the EU Forced Labour Regulation (FLR)

  • Aim and background of the FLR
  • Connections with the CSDDD and the CSRD
  • Definition and indicators of forced labour

10.15 Coffee break

10.30 What the law requires of companies and the expected impact on forced labour in companies supply chains

  • Overview of human rights due diligence (HRDD), including identification, tools to cease and prevent harm, and remediation of forced labour
  • How FLR’s requirements overlap with CSDDD and other due diligence frameworks
  • How the law is intended to address forced labour, from identification to resolution and follow-up
  • Responsible disengagement – when and how to exit a partnership
  • Remediation for victims of forced labour

12.00 Lunch

13.00 How FLR will be implemented

  • Responsibility for enforcement and compliance with the regulation
  • Collaboration between member states and EU functions
  • Risk-based approach
  • Penalties and consequences

15.00 Coffee break

15.15 Case discussions in groups

  • Participants work in smaller groups to solve a case involving the identification and management of risks of forced labour
  • The exercise is followed by discussions with the whole group

16.30-17.00 Summary, questions, and closing



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Booking information

SEK 10 900 excl. VAT