Cybercom had adjusted its Code of Conduct and wanted to strengthen awareness within the company about the content of the code. Furthermore, the ambition was to also train its employees in anti-corruption and ethical decision making. Enact was assigned to help develop an e-learning on the subject. The training was based on the Code of Conduct and concretized with various dilemmas and grey areas where values often clash and thus make it difficult to make ethical decisions.
The training is now conducted annually by all employees and through a feature Cybercom can trace the number of employees who has completed the training. The e-learning created a strong commitment among the employees, who commented a lot directly in the e-learning tool and expressed a wish to discuss the issues further. Just like the purpose of the training was – the more these issues are highlighted and discussed – the higher the level of consciousness about Cybercom’s code of business ethics and conduct.
Kristina Cato | Head of Communications & IR