Are you working with Human rights? We have two unique seminars in May

April 2017

On 15 and 16 May we are honored to host:

Andy Hall – a leading human rights defender and migrant worker rights specialist.
He resided in Thailand and Myanmar for over 11 years working on worker rights and modern day slavery issues. As the international affairs advisor to the Migrant Worker Rights Network (MWRN), Andy has successfully helped to empower migrant workers, particularly from Myanmar and Cambodia, to gain greater access to justice mechanisms and better work conditions, both in the seafood sector and across many labour intensive export industries in Thailand. Andy decided to leave Thailand in November 2016 due to an evident increase in risks to his person and ability to work effectively.

We are organising two unique opportunities to learn and share knowledge with Andy Hall and other Human Rights experts.

15 May

Human rights harm in the supply chain…and then what?
Remediation, engaging stakeholders and protecting human rights defenders

Participate in a full day interactive seminar focused on human rights due diligence in the supply chain with a particular focus on engaging affected stakeholders and contributing to remedy where harm has taken place. Enact is honoured to present Andy Hall, who will participate during the full day and share personal and professional reflections and insights from his work with affected migrants and victims of human rights abuse in Thailand, Myanmar and broader Asia. Sandra Atler, Head of Enact Human Rights and Business Practice Group,  will also be a participating expert.

Full seminar description and registration here.

16 May

Enact Sustainable Strategies & Diakonia invite you to a breakfast seminar on the topic:
Human Rights defenders – any of your business?
Moving from harmful silence to proactive engagement.

During this breakfast seminar we have the honour of hosting Andy Hall together with Mauricio Lazala – the Deputy Director at the Business and Human Rights Resource Center.

We will discuss the hot topic of human rights defenders and role of business. Civic freedoms continue to shrink in many countries around the world, and attacks on human rights defenders continue unabated.

Full seminar description and registration here.